Participated in Microcon 2018, 42nd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, held at NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bengaluru scheduled from 28 November - 2 December, 2018
Participated in APCON 2018, 67th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists (IAPM) and IAP-ID organized by Department of Pathology, Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital, Bareilly in collaboration with IAPM (UP Chapter),Association of Bareilly Pathologists, Bareilly and RohilKhand Academy of Pathologists, Bareilly from 28 November to 2 December 2018
Participated in M.P. PATHCON & Dr. J.N. Monga Oration-2018, The annual Madhya Pradesh state level IAPM Conference & Prestigious Dr. J N Monga Oration CME organized by IAPM Indore City Chapter. The theme of the conference was MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY and newer diagnostic techniques, held at Indore on 17-18 November 2018
Participated in MEDICA 2018 – World Forum for Medicine,the world's leading trade fair for the medical industry held at Düsseldorf from 12-15 November 2018
Participated in 49th World Conference on Lung Health of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease held at (The Union) The Hague, The Netherlands on 24–27 October 2018
Participated in ACBICON 2018 - 45th National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India held at Goa from 24-27 October, 2018. Molbio Newsletter Issue – I, Volume – I officially released at the hands of Dr.Praveen Sharma,Chairman Corporate Wing, ACBI and Dr. Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha, Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Nalanda Medical College,Patna and Organizing Secretariat, ACBICON 2018
Participated in IX MICROCON GC - 2018 Indian Association Of Medical Microbiologist,Gujarat Chapter organized by Parul Institute of Medical Sciences & Research and Parul Sevashram Hospital, Vadodara from 13 -14 October 2018. Dr.Geeti Maheshwari,Speaker of Scientific Programme of this Conference given presentation on Advances in Diagnostic Mycobacteriology- “Challenges and Advantages of new technologies and highlighted key features of Truenat technology
CME conducted as a part of celebration of “International Infection Prevention Week”, Molbio Delivered one presentation on detection and quantification of DNA/RNA for some dreadly infectious diseases through chip based Molecular Diagnostic Point of care technique 8-13 October, 2018 and also demonstrated performance of Truenat Dengue test for given Patient’s sample on 21 November 2018. Dr. G. Malini, Pediatrician was the convenor of the CME at JLN Hospital, Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai.
Participated in UP PATHCON 2018 XXVIITH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF I.A.P.M. (U.P. CHAPTER) organised by Department Of Pathology, M.L.N. Medical College & Allahabad Pathology Association held at M.L.N. Medical College, Allahabad (U.P.) from October 6 -7,October 2018
Participated in HUNGAROMED 2018, Health and Medical Technology Exhibition organized by Hungarian National Trading House and the Enterprise Europe Network Budapest held at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre, Budapest, Hungary on 12th October 2018